Child Mortality and Temporary Accommodation: Report

Our sister organisation, the Shared Health Foundation, are publishing a report evidencing the conditions for households in temporary accommodation in the UK.

Run by our CEO, Dr Laura Neilson, Shared Health are releasing the findings received during a call for evidence by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Households in Temporary Accommodation. The report contains some new data about child mortality in England that is linked to homelessness.

A news article about the work can be found here:

Tackling Health Inequalities

Tackling health inequalities is at the heart of what we do at Hope Citadel. The reality for the populations we serve is that unstable housing conditions lead to ill health for both adults and children, and reduced life expectancy.

We passionately believe this is preventable.

Understanding our populations and the challenges they face is key, as is finding ways to look after our staff so that our jobs are sustainable so that we can keep showing compassion and kindness whilst practicing excellent healthcare.

Focused Care practices – which started within Hope Citadel – allow for the most complex patients to receive bespoke and targeted care within the normal primary care environment. It supports our GPs and other practice staff to hold the complexity and see their patients lives improve!

Other schemes within our practices, such as our outreach work into temporary accommodation in Manchester, and the Healthy Gems Hub baby bank underneath one of our practices in Oldham, give patients additional opportunities to engage with healthcare that can be life changing and lifesaving.

If you want to find out more about how we work, please do get in touch!

Interesting in working for us?

We are always looking for opportunities to work with people that share our values, so get in touch if you’re interested in finding out about our job vacancies.

  • Reducing health inequalities

  • Personal and professional development

  • Multidisciplinary approaches to primary care